Amanda Jablon & Associates

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Understanding Emotions from an Energetic Perspective 

A Psychologist and a Physicist walk into a bar……

The field of Quantum Physics has repeatedly proven everything that exists in this world is made up of energy. From things that are seen, like people, plants, and physical objects, to things that cannot be seen, like air, gravity, and emotions…everything that exists in the universe, at it’s most basic form, is just energy. 

Quantum Physics also explains that everything that exists is made up of both particles and waves. If you haven’t taken a science class in a while and need a refresh, not to worry, I researched this concept for about five hours and concluded with the following: particles are tiny little things that make up everything that have physical or chemical properties, like volume, density, or mass, and waves are the movement and vibration of those particles. This means that things like thoughts and emotions carry energetic frequencies. (Or, if you ever loved the Beach Boys, … ~*vibes, man*~ …)

Through studying Quantum Physics (god bless the internet!) this is what I have come to understand: Everything is energy. Emotions are energy. Thoughts are energy. Energy has weight and movement. Emotions and thoughts have weight and movement. As someone who has studied emotions through the lens of psychology my entire life, it is *VERY* exciting to me to examine my most favorite topic in this new light (see what I did there?)

Now that we’ve established emotions are merely energy, lets talk about how this impacts us in our daily lives.

Given that emotions carry vibrational frequencies, it can be understood that different emotions carry different vibrational frequencies. Emotions like joy, love, and creativity carry high vibrational frequencies. Whereas emotions like sadness, shame, and fear carry lower vibrational frequencies. The same goes for particle properties. This concept explains why people who experience depression might describe feeling heavy and slow, as if they are walking through cement. Whereas someone who is elated with love because they have just gotten married describes feeling light and free, as if they are walking on air. 

In my freshman year at UConn, I remember learning about a concept my Human Development professor referred to as “like begets like.” This is the idea that as humans we are naturally inclined towards reciprocity. This natural tendency for us to mirror what we see in others explains why when a stranger on the street smiles at you, you can’t help but smile back.

Just as like begets like works with smiling, negativity also generates negativity. However, since the energetic frequency of negative emotion is heavier and slower than that of positive emotion, negative energy seems to feel like it clings to us more. This concept falls in line with the psychological theory of Negativity Bias, or the idea that negativity has a greater psychological impact than neutrality or positivity. Basically, because of science, experiencing negative emotions is like getting stuck in mental quick sand that forces you to attract more and more negative thoughts and emotions. Negativity Bias explains why when you have your annual review at work and your boss tells you 25 things you did that were amazing, and one thing where you have room to improve upon, you focus on the negative. It just weighs more. 

Y’all, this is really good information to have. In this thing we call life, there is so much that we simply cannot control. For example, you cannot not feel negative emotions or thoughts. It is simply natural to feel sad, anxious, and angry. You can however, control how you choose to respond to negative energy, and to what extent you allow it to impact your life. 

The energetic charge of the emotions you experience on a day to day basis are going to play a large role in dictating the quality of your life. If you want to be happy, or at least happier than you are now, you have to be aware that for most people “being happy” does not come easily and in fact takes a lot of work.

Here are some things you can do in your daily life that will allow you to raise your energetic vibration, attract more positivity, and increase your overall quality of life:

  1. Keep a journal. Write down your thoughts and feelings for 5-10 minutes every day. Start to pay attention to the energetic charge of what you think and feel.

  2. Pay attention to your surroundings. Notice who you spend your time with, where you go, what you read, and who you follow on social media. You are the sum of surroundings. What are you allowing to influence you, and is it in line with the person you want to be?

  3. Practice positive thinking. I know, I know, it’s cheesy. But it really works! Next time you’re upset about something, try playing a game of “I Spy” with yourself to see how many positive aspects you can find about the situation. If you want to learn more, definitely check out this article I wrote a while back!

  4. Practice gratitude. It’s not happy people who are grateful; it’s grateful people who are happy. There is countless research data to back this up. Try making a list every night before you go to bed of five things you were thankful for that day.

  5. Find a CBT (or DBT) focused therapist. Cognitive Behavior Therapy helps you change the way you feel by recognizing and modifying your thoughts. Find someone you trust who will call you out on your negativity and guide you to rewire your mind and enhance your energetic frequency.